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TicketingStep 1 of 5: Ticketing
FormStep 1 of 5: Form
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Thank YouStep 1 of 5: Thank You

ShhOUT - LGBTQ Advocacy in the Workplace
Imagine being in an environment where you can’t choose to be yourself, the place where you spend many waking hours; your workplace.  This is what many of the LGBTQ community experience. 

ShhOUT is a conference that aims at bringing voice to a typically silenced and marginalised group and creating discourse in advancing inclusion of LGBTQ members in organisations in the region.  

Important note:

Each transaction needs to be submitted in 60 Minutes due to security issue.
If you have any questions during the submission process, please contact:

Contact person

Wendy Yung
Tel: +852 2695 6602
Email: [email protected]